Janbaaz Novel By Abu Shuja Abu Waqar Free PDF Download

Janbaaz Novel By Abu Shuja Abu Waqar Free PDF Download

The intelligence agency cleared him for a training session. After the completion of the training period, he received the signal to start the mission. The Pakistani Janbaaz entered into Indian territory. He did a lot for his motherland. He gave severe harm to Indian intelligence and during his mission. In the meanwhile, he arrested by the Indian agencies. But soon, he ran away from the custody of Indian law enforcement agencies.

انٹیلی جنس ایجنسی نے اسے تربیتی سیشن کے لیے کلیئر کر دیا۔ تربیت کی مدت پوری ہونے کے بعد، اسے مشن شروع کرنے کا اشارہ ملا۔ پاکستانی جنازہ بھارتی حدود میں داخل ہو گیا۔ انہوں نے مادر وطن کے لیے بہت کچھ کیا۔ اس نے اپنے مشن کے دوران ہندوستانی انٹیلی جنس کو شدید نقصان پہنچایا۔ اس دوران اسے بھارتی ایجنسیوں نے گرفتار کر لیا۔ لیکن جلد ہی وہ بھارتی قانون نافذ کرنے والے اداروں کی گرفت سے فرار ہو گیا۔

On completion of his mission, Janbaaz returns to Pakistan. Syed Saleem Abbas stayed suspected for the Pakistani intelligence. He was released from the service on the shocking reasons during the time of the Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto government. A federal minister Raja Tiri Dev Rai, has close relations with the Janbaaz (Saleem Abbas). He asked him to bring his wealth and family from the Eastern part of Pakistan

Syed Saleem Abbas refused him to do so. After some hesitation, Syed Saleem Abbas accepts his proposal. He went to Bangladesh for another mission, entered there, and met the Raja family. He took all the jewels of Raja Tiri Dev from his family. The purpose of Janbaz has complete.

More About The Book Janbaaz Novel:

At the time of return to Pakistan, he had a clash with Indian forces. By mistake, the Commando entered into India. He was compelled to stay in India. The Indian agencies were thirsty for his blood. They searched him in border areas passionately. Syed Saleem Abbas remained in the major cities of India, like Calcutta and Dehli. The Janbaaz commando came to Pakistan on completion of his mission.

The story of the book Janbaaz Novel pdf is the basis of facts. It is full of suspense, action, and thrill. The reader feels love for the hero, and he becomes more enthusiastic about the defense of the country and its ideology.


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